Student Research Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship Includes:

  • 1 Mini Field Station data logger with Dendrometer Sensor
  • 1 Year Technical Support
  • Subscription to OurTrees.Live Data Portal
  • Access to research guidance

Did you know you can calculate how much carbon a tree removes from the atmosphere by measuring changes in its diameter? is a full technology platform designed to support student engagement with their local environment, provide them with life-long learning skills, connect them with other students and researchers and allow them to participate in nation-wide environmental research projects. This is achieved with a wireless dendrometer, a special sensor that can measure hourly tree growth and display on the data portal, OurTrees.Live.

As a sponsor, you can provide a student with the opportunity to participate in this program for $800. This package includes all equipment, direct research feedback and support - everything needed for a student to fully participate.

For more information on the program or how to sponsor a school, email us or visit our detail page.